

by The Orion Syndrome

The best overall composition on the album, and possibly the best song ever written by the band. A neat break in the center gives way to a moody but powerful guitar solo, and a dynamic, complex ending. The lyrics are excellent, with the hourglass concept being the gate between past and future. Definitely Progressive Rock category material. This song was the most popular Orion Syndrome song on MP3.Com in the ’90s, sitting at #2 on the Progressive Rock Charts for over a week.

Overall, a very cool concept song. We are all trapped in time, frozen in the Present. It is as if we are stuck in the cusp of an Hourglass, with the sands above representing the Future, and those below; the Past. When our fate ultimately meets up with us, we slip through the cusp, into the Past (from everyone else’s perspective up in the Present). Hopefully at this point we will be on the Outside, looking In. Is there a trap door in the bottom of that houglass? If so, what’s outside????