
Astral Athlete / Waves of Time

by The Orion Syndrome

This song is about strengthening our astral selves, and to gather strength from the world around us, instead of being too busy in our daily lives to think about what is really important. Because if we do not experience life to it’s fullest potential, we will quickly find it has passed us by.

Lots of brass and a great ending guitar solo give Astral Athlete an action movie soundtrack feel.
This song has been completely remixed with new tracks added and is a truly great song. It was good before, but now it’s even better! Waves of Time was written shortly after my 30th birthday, as I was feeling time rush past me.

Regarding Waves of Time, there’s major Moody Blues influence here. A very poignant lyric, three part harmony and an emotional guitar solo, along with some very cool synth patches make this one a gem. Very possibly the best lyric on the album. Again, this one was remixed with a beautiful 12 string guitar.