
The Celestial Show Begins / Meteor Storm

by The Orion Syndrome

A complex orchestral piece, complete with tympanis, strings, flutes, and brass, a guitar lead and cool SFX. Transitioning into Meteor Storm is a long SFX section, of someone changing channels on a TV, looking for something interesting. They stop at the news broadcast of “a comet breaking up”. Meteor Storm is the climax of the album, with major guitar leads, cool lyrics, and a great SFX section in the middle with all the “oohs” and “aahs” of the observers watching all the fireballs.

This one was inspired by ELP’s “KarnEvil 9”. It will fool you at first, as it starts off very delicate, then a full orchestra comes in, then the emotional guitar lead. I always wanted to play a guitar lead over an orchestra!

This is a transitional piece on “Encounter with Infinity”. Meteor Storm documents an actual event that occurred during the Perseid meteor storm of 1994. We had several hundred people out at the astronomy club’s dark sky observing site, complete with TV and radio coverage. The SFX of the TV news broadcast really sets the song up well.

Music, Lyrics, and Sequencing: David Hearn
Copyright © 2000 David Hearn